
Oh my!

It seems like my blogging capabilities have gone down the drain, along with the rest of my sanity. I truly intend on keeping a nice little corner of the internet alive and well to share my personal musings, trend watchings, etc, but when the sun shines in Portland, one must follow suit and ditch the interweb for more jubilant efforts, no?
ISWAS+WILLBE had a blast at Crafty Wonderland the weekend before last; meeting some great locals, networking with other crafties, and sneaking bites of donuts between sales, ha! We are proud to say that we now have some jewels in the adorably clever boutique Little Things in NW Portland. Stop by and have a looksy, where our creations mingle with all sorts of other awesome local accessories. Andrea, the shop owner, is probably one of the sweetest and most genuine people I've ever met and we are so happy to be doing business with her!
We also met Kiki Ami at Crafty Wonderland, and she's just opened a fabulous art gallery on N Killingsworth called Theoria Collective. We hit up the opening party post-craftshow despite our delirium and had a fantastically riveting time. Theoria is a romantic little space that incites the dreamer in me; a rich decor of found objects, giant pillows, worldly snacks, homemade absinthe and not to mention some intriguing art! ISWAS+WILLBE will have some things in there soon, and we look forward to volunteering our time at the shop as well!
I despise a photo-less blog post, so I will leave you with a photo from the opening of Theoria; we got into the face paints, and into the spirit of the night! Fantastic.

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